In parts of Europe, pumpkin seeds are the standard treatment for benign prostate enlargement. The seeds are rich in zinc, selenium and other minerals that have been shown to reduce prostate cancer risk. Typical daily dosage: Eat one-quarter cup of the seeds.
Canned pumpkin (or cooked pumpkin) is a super cancer food. One half cup of cooked pumpkin has over five times your quota for beta-carotene (vitamin A0) per day. According to research at Tufts University it may be used to protect against many cancers.
Interestingly pumpkin seeds have been used by people in Europe suffering from Prostate disorders. Young people are advised to take Pumpkin seeds to prevent any prostate disorders in future.
Pumpkin seeds have been hailed as a new hope for Prostate disorder patients. Pumpkin seeds regulate the diuresis and maintain the fluid balance. Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which are responsible for the shrinking of the enlarged prostate gland. Pumpkin seeds also contain chemicals which halt the conversion of hormone testosterone into di hydro testosterone or DHT. Higher DHT levels have been indicted in prostate cancer.
Canned pumpkin (or cooked pumpkin) is a super cancer food. One half cup of cooked pumpkin has over five times your quota for beta-carotene (vitamin A0) per day. According to research at Tufts University it may be used to protect against many cancers.
Interestingly pumpkin seeds have been used by people in Europe suffering from Prostate disorders. Young people are advised to take Pumpkin seeds to prevent any prostate disorders in future.
Pumpkin seeds have been hailed as a new hope for Prostate disorder patients. Pumpkin seeds regulate the diuresis and maintain the fluid balance. Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which are responsible for the shrinking of the enlarged prostate gland. Pumpkin seeds also contain chemicals which halt the conversion of hormone testosterone into di hydro testosterone or DHT. Higher DHT levels have been indicted in prostate cancer.
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