2010年6月22日 星期二

Curtain Down

Good evening,

After reading over ten introductions about these top ten foods, can’t wait to buy some for preventing yourself from cancer?

Hope these articles would give you some ideas about how these foods can prevent you from cancer; even some chemical names may get you puzzled.

Not only help you be away from cancer, but also do some good to your health!
However, providing these foods’ advantage is not encouraging you only intake these foods. You also need to have balanced diet, otherwise, even you take so many top ten foods; it would also do you no good...

Balanced diet is really important and offering the information about top ten anti-cancer foods is just to let you know you can be stronger while taking more these foods.

At the end of this web introduction for ten top anti-cancer foods
Attach some more videos for your further information :D

Health receipt includes spinach, tomatoes, garlic and white wine......yummy~

There’s a website for you to explore more anti-cancer foods:
Good website to tell you healthy way of eating habit and for those girls who go on a diet and also some information about cancer:

Thanks for sharing your time with us
Sincerely hope these introductions would help you to keep a good health!

Anny Jamie Vivian together take a bow :D


Pineapple, unlike the other anticancer food, does not have the big name for preventing cancer. Living in Taiwan, where fruits varieties are prosper on the market, we take pineapple as daily supply for granted. Pineapple is know to be juicy, incredibly sweet or sometimes incredibly sour and nutritious with vitamin C, fenulic acid and chlorogenic acid. now is also ranked into the top ten anti food.

Pineapple serves for medicinal use from traditional methods. It is one of the preparations in traditional Chinese medical science, customarily applied for eating disorders and problems of digesting system. In western countries, it is one of the valuable exotic plants that Columbus found when sailing to the new world. Coumbus record its medical advantage as: admirably recreates and exhilarates the Spirits and comforts the Heart; it also fortifies the Stomack, cureth queasiness and causeth appetite; it gives present ease to such as are troubled with the Stone or stoppage of Urine; nay it destroys the force of Poyson. If the Fruit is not procurable the root will have the same Effects” Like garlic, the curing effect of pineapple is well know long ago, and the work of science is to decode its component and make more effective use.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a complex mixture of proteases and non-protease components. It can control the growing of tumor cell, also strengthens the immune system and inflammation, slowing sown the progression of cancer. There are numerous scientific evidence support the study; especially its capacity of curing breast and ovarian cancer.

The best way of eating pineapple for the purpose of anticancer is to eat it in flesh, most importantly, remember to keep the stem of pineapple. The stem may be little bit hard for biting but it is the part that providing the extract for anticancer medicine

Click here for videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPB1oacirVM pineapple benefits

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUkxJJ-4FYI the data of pineapple






The legend about garlic can hold back the attack of vampire has been mocked in the vampire movie. The vampire grasps the string of garlic from the trembling hand of the victim, laughed men’s fragility and ignorance, and throw the garlic on the ground. Off course, the vampire has no idea what powerful thing he has wasted. Garlic may not have influence upon the evil blood, but to cancer, which is more terrible killer than vampire for modern people, it makes the great amulet.

Garlic contains allicin. Scientists used this extract to inject in the mice that had cancer, and found the dosage make the injected mice outlive the those that are not injected. Another experiment is performed with human, the cancer patients are provided garlic juice within a short period of time. Consequently, their condition of cancer shows positive progress. Besides the medical experiments, the traditional methods prescribe garlic for cancer, too. These facts prove the direct relation of garlic’s improving this vital disease, only lack more specific scientific supports.

Now if you want to eat garlic for the health’s sake, be careful about the right way of consuming. The experts remind that the chemical effect of garlic will reduce if you cook it right after peeling it. Though this might be against our common thinking for it is the best to have food in its most fresh condition. In fact, garlic’s anticancer power is preserved the best when it to be soaked in the oil or cooked at the some time after the peeling.

Garlic is like other anticancer food can benefits in many other aspects like:. So next time you see it on the table, do not avoid it when thinking of the bad breathe. Your health is definitely more important, and a couple of chewing gum can fix the little problem.

Click to see the video links:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Hbm_8y8uU benefits of garlic

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS30uf7-iBY how to eat garlic in the right way






The first question to ask is: what kind of pepper do you mean? Is it Green pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper or red hot chili pepper? According to my research, green pepper has not yet been in the line of anticancer food, and red hot chili pepper is a band that maybe produces good music but not nutrition. Therefore, the other two that left, the black pepper and the cayenne pepper both got scientific supports for their identities as the anticancer food.

First, let’s learn some background story of black pepper. Black pepper was once the expensive spice seasoned only the rich’s plates. Having been transported from India to Europe, it is now one of the most popular seasoning because of its unique tang. Black pepper contains many antioxidant components such as: eugenol, kaempferol, myrcene, quercetin. Also the secret of its unique tang: pepperine, can accelerate the metabolism of our body.

As how it helps cancer, scientific researches suggest that black pepper “increases the bioavailability of other anti-tumourigenic spices, and dramatically increases their potency and effectiveness against cancer. “ Also, the unique component, piperine can kill cancer cells, so to control the development of cancer.

The cayenne pepper that has the red hot spicy look contains properties helping anticancer, too. Cayenne pepper is alkalizing food, which can changes the consumer’s body environment to become difficult for tumor cell’s growing. Capsaicin act the role in cayenne pepper as perperine to black pepper, it restrains the growth of cancer and inhibits prostate cancer celsl. The doctor suggests people drinking cayenne pepper water. Sounds crazy? But it’s claimed that drinking cayenne pepper water is health beneficial to the entire system of organs.

So if you are a spicy lover, pepper may be your best choice for anti cancer diet. For those who don’t dare to taste a bit of spice, I suggest you to try bit by bit. Besides its beneficial components, it also adds comparable flavor of the food. Give it a try and make your diet healthy and tasty.

Here's the video link:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODs8vQiV5D0 benefits of cayenne peper





2010年6月21日 星期一

Olive oil

The reports about Mediterranean diet have boosted the Olive oil as the popular diet food. More than keeping you in the good shape, Olive oil is proved to be efficient on cancer prevention.

Let’s starts from viewing olive oil’s data. Olive oil, off course, made of olives , is called “ liquid gold” by the great epic poet , Homer. Since olive oil has already existed in Homer’s time, we can see it an ancient food that has been widely used through the long centuries of human history. It contains abundant nutrition: acteosides, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, and phenylpropionic acids. Before the modern technology proved these components anti-oxidant, the ancient people had made its several uses, including robbing it on the skin for moisturing.

It sounds quite irony to have fat for building good shape, but olive oil is not wronged for this point. The everyday updated scientific reports give us the answer, there is no doubt that olive oil is 100% fat, but the good for health one. Comparing to the cheaper and more common used animal oil of low price, olive oil does not prone to accumulate in your body, but can be easily digest. It functions well as the oil part of basic nutrition, providing you energy.

Most importantly, olive oil contains molecules, the key component dedicate to anticancer, can limit the development of cancer. Also, according to the scientific research, the polyphenols and oleic acid contained in olive oil, can restrain the expression of the HER2 gene, which is related to breast cancer.

Too many introduction including the medical terms may exhaust you from reading, so let’s move to watch short videos.

The making of olive oil


and then let’s welcome experts to explain the benefits of olive oil





2010年6月14日 星期一


Research has proven that getting the proper level of antioxidants into our bloodstream will reduce the risk of cancer. Consumption of carrots increases the level of key antioxidants in the bloodstream.

Carrots have many important vitamins and minerals. They are rich in antioxidants Beta Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Phytochemicals and Glutathione, Calcium and Potassium, and vitamins A, B1, B2, C, and E, which are also considered antioxidants, protecting as well as nourishing the skin. They contain a form of calcium easily absorbed by the body. Finally they also contain Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorous.and Sulphur - better than a wonder drug!!

Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk. It can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Raw carrot contains beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer. Carrot juice when taken every day prevents bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys). Carrot can help improve eye health. Carrot can help increase menstrual flow. Carrot can regulate blood sugar. Carrot can promote colon health, because it is rich in fibre.

Carrot is also helpful in the following cases: Obesity, poisoning of the blood, gum disease, insomnia, inflamed kidney, liver, gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease, colitis, ulcer and painful urination. Carrots are one of the richest sources of Vitamin A. Carotene present in this vegetable gets converted into Vitamin A by our body. It is indeed amazing that a mere 100grams of carrot supplies around 11,000 milligrams of vitamin A.

The first carrots were grown for medicinal purposes, perhaps the medicine tasted good! There is lots more in the history pages.

Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison suggests that pigments in these colourful carrots, which taste just like regular carrots, may help prevent heart disease and cancer, and reduce cholesterol. Studies examining the health benefits of fruits and vegetables are revealing the disease-preventive powers of the pigments that give plants their distinctive colours.

Orange carrots get their colour from beta carotene, a pigment the body converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency, although rare in the United States, poses a major public health problem in developing countries second only to protein malnutrition.



related video


In parts of Europe, pumpkin seeds are the standard treatment for benign prostate enlargement. The seeds are rich in zinc, selenium and other minerals that have been shown to reduce prostate cancer risk. Typical daily dosage: Eat one-quarter cup of the seeds.

Canned pumpkin (or cooked pumpkin) is a super cancer food. One half cup of cooked pumpkin has over five times your quota for beta-carotene (vitamin A0) per day. According to research at Tufts University it may be used to protect against many cancers.

Interestingly pumpkin seeds have been used by people in Europe suffering from Prostate disorders. Young people are advised to take Pumpkin seeds to prevent any prostate disorders in future.
Pumpkin seeds have been hailed as a new hope for Prostate disorder patients. Pumpkin seeds regulate the diuresis and maintain the fluid balance. Studies have shown that pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols which are responsible for the shrinking of the enlarged prostate gland. Pumpkin seeds also contain chemicals which halt the conversion of hormone testosterone into di hydro testosterone or DHT. Higher DHT levels have been indicted in prostate cancer.



related video

2.(This one is part commercial.)



Maitake Mushroom (Dancing Mushroom) may help the body steel itself against the onslaught of cancer and HIV/AIDS, supercharge the immune system, shrink painful fibroid cysts, give blood vessels a break from rising blood pressure, and tip the scales toward the lower numbers, just to name few of the possibilities.

The active ingredient in medicinal mushrooms are polysaccharides called beta-glucans. The Maitake mushroom contains a unique beta-glucan, called D-fraction, that sets it apart as a health elixir. This D-fraction is believed to be responsible for the many health benefits of Maitake.

The majority of research conducted regarding the Maitake mushroom has centered on cancer prevention. Although Maitake isn't believed to kill cancer cells directly, it does protect the body from cancer by stimulating the immune cells that, in turn, fight off cancerous cells. Some experts believe that Maitake may help inhibit tumors that are already growing, prevent the initiation of new cancers, and stop (or at least slow down) the severe secondary symptoms associated with cancer.

Maitake can also provide welcome relief to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. One of the side effects of chemotherapy is impaired immune function, since anti-cancer drugs tend to knock out everything in their path, including some innocent immune system bystanders. Therefore, taking this extract of Maitake in conjunction with chemotherapy may produce increased benefits while making the treatment easier for the patient to endure.

High blood pressure is another condition benefited by Maitake. Abram Ber, M.D., a homeopathic physician, has used Maitake, with reportedly good results, in patients with high blood pressure. "When on medication, the blood pressure is all over the place, but, with Maitake mushrooms, there is a gradual decrease in blood pressure toward normalcy. Further, there are absolutely no side effects," Ber explained.



and still a lot more useful and interesting ones on Youtube!


Strawberries are a fragrant, red-coloured, ground-dwelling fruit. Their history dates back over 2,000 years with records showing a variety of breeds as a native in many parts of the world. The modern strawberry is just one of hundreds of varieties cultivated worldwide. There are also about 20 wild species. They all have different properties - visible in the size, shape and colour of the fruit, or the size and abundance of flowers.

In the early 18th century a strawberry hybrid was created that took its size from a South American variety and its taste and fragrance from France. This created what it is known today as the common strawberry that is preferred throughout Europe.

The strawberry is often described as a luxury item, enjoyed by royalty. France's King Charles V had over 3000 planted at the Louvre in Paris, King Louis XIII ate them everyday; and both Louis XIII and Louis XIV the latter enjoyed the berries so much that they are recorded to have eaten them to the point of indigestion!

The use of strawberries and of the strawberry plant itself for therapeutic purposes dates back as long as they have been eaten. American Indians prepared infusions of strawberry plant leaves as a treatment for stomachache and gastrointestinal ailments such as diarrhoea. Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus was convinced that strawberries had miraculously healed his severe attack of gout; and the French philosopher Bernard de Fontenelle, who died at the age of 100 attributed the secret of his longevity to strawberries.

Strawberries contain a large amount of antioxidant, anticancer, anti-neurodegenerative, and anti-inflammatory properties, making them, like many other berries, very useful as a natural alternative to western medicine.

The wild ancestors of the most commonly cultivated strawberry today, Fragaria ananassa, can be white, yellow, taste like pineapples, or the stalks can even point the fruit towards the sun. The Institute of Food Research (IFR) says it will study both wild and cultivated varieties, and is currently growing white and pale yellow strawberries as well as red.

Strawberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber and Vitamins C and K. They are a very good source of manganese, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, and iodine. They are a good source of folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B6. Strawberries contain high levels of antioxidants, which can decrease the risk of chronic disease.

One of the strawberry chemicals that may play a role against cancer is ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a phytochemical compound found in berries that is probably the phytochemical most likely to interfere with the development of cancer. Ellagic acid is present in many red fruits and berries, including raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and cranberries. Strawberries and raspberries are the main dietary source of ellagic acid in the west. At first glance, raspberries appear to have more ellagic acid than strawberries; however, the compound in raspberries is mainly contained in the seeds, whereby within the strawberry, the ellagic acid is found in the main pulp of the berry, making it more accessible.

Research by Dr Yannick Ford at Horticulture Research International has highlighted the variation in ellagic acid content between varieties, with some white-fruited strawberries having particularly high levels. Studies have shown that strawberry consumption can increase anti-cancer activity on cancer cells of the breast, oesophagus, skin, colon, prostate and pancreas. More specifically, ellagic acid prevents the destruction of P53 gene by cancer cells. Ellagic acid can also bind with cancer causing molecules, thereby making them inactive. Strawberries have also been shown to significantly reduce liver cancer cells.



2010年6月10日 星期四


Does Popeye love spinach without reason?
Does Popeye have great health due to his genes?
No! It’s because Popeye loves spinach!!

Because spinach has great amount of lutein(葉黃素), vitamin E, antioxidants, spinach has been considered as the golden dish in green vegetable. Spinach also contains a large number of β-carotene which can prevent reactive oxygen and then it can prevent cancerous cell from division and reproduction. Moreover, β-carotene can also enhance the immune cells to inhibit cancer cells to grow.

Regular intake of spinach can prevent liver cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer.
Spinach contents highest folate(葉酸) among vegetables that can repair tumor suppressor factor and inhibit cancer spreads. If we combine spinach with vitamin B12, it also has function of anti-oxidation.
Besides, spinach with rich chlorophyll and fiber can prevent cells from genetic damage and maintain the normal function of cells.

In addition, the consumption of spinach can reduce blood cholesterol. Spinach contains large amounts of iron and trace amounts of manganese can improve and prevent anemia

However, spinach also contain oxalic acid(草酸). The oxalic acid in spinach hinders the absorption of calcium. When people intake spinach and high calcium food at the same time, calcium would not be absorbed.

Once oxalic acid gets into the blood, it would mingle with calcium which would be the cause of kidney stones. The better way to avoid this problem is to boil spinach into vegetable soup because great amount of oxalic acid would be dissolved. After eating spinach, don’t forget some water, it would also reduce the chance to get calcium oxalate stones(草酸鈣結石).

Furthermore, spinach also contains a lot of nitrate(硝酸鹽)which would later become carcinogenic nitrosamines(亞硝胺) once mingles meat in human’s stomach and cause some other gastrointestinal cancers. But fortunately, it can dissolve, so abandoning the boiled soup spinach is the simple detoxification method. Or don’t eat meat if you have already had some spinach soup. Besides, drinking green tea is another way to prevent nitrate turn into nitrosamines in the stomach.


Tomato, rich in antioxidants (抗氧化劑)and lycopene(番茄紅素), can remove free radicals(自由基).
Regular consumption of tomatoes can reduce the risk of lung cancer, gastric cancer, bladder cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer risk

In 2002 March 6, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Men who consumed two-plus servings of tomato sauce per week had a 23% lower risk of total prostate cancer, and a 36% lower risk of metastatic prostate than participants who consumed less than one serving of tomato sauce per month. . Tomatoes contain abundant lycopene, which is a kind of carotenoids(類番茄紅素) that can used as antiocidants. And carotenoids also are the chemical substance to turn tomatoes, watermelon, and grapefruit into red heart.

Because human body cannot produce lycopene itself, human have to intake lycopene from foods. In addition, for both men and women, lycopene would be lower with increasing age.

In fact, almonds, guava, watermelon, papaya, red meat has a considerable content of grapefruit lycopene too, but tomato is still the best source. All forms of tomato (raw, in ketchup, spaghetti sauce, tomato paste, soup, and salsa) had beneficial effect; however, tomatoes cooked in oil (such as in tomato sauce) appeared to be the most protective. But the burgers and fries with the tomato sauce is not enough, so there’s no use to eat a lot burgers and French fries.
Most people think that fresh fruits and vegetables would be better to provide people healthy substance. However, according to studies, the lycopene in cooked tomatoes would help people more.

NTU Hospital Urology physicians said that raw tomatoes or drinking tomato juice would not be more effective than eating cooked tomato products. Therefore, if you want to absorb vitamin C, eat fresh tomatoes or drink tomato juice is good. But if you want to absorb the lycopene, tomato sauce added in the cooked vegetables or the fried tomatoes would be a better choice. For example, cooked tomato with scrambled eggs is a good example.
Videos about Super Tomatoes:



2010年6月9日 星期三

Your Health Guard

Morning, everyone
Welcome to You Health Guard Weblog

Our Topic in the blog is Top Ten Anticancer food

According to the statistics, cancer has been the first cause for death for many years. Pathogenic factors leading to cancer could be diet, smoking, chronic inflammation, infection, hormones, pollution.

World Health Organization even recommended each person should consume 400 to 700 grams of vegetables and fruits per day to prevent oneself from cancer. Besides, it can also reduce chronic disease such as gout, heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, arthritis, constipation and aging. For those exciting college students who spend bunches of time on splendid night activities or staying up late for exams, this topic may seem boring to you

However, some latent cancers actually exist in our DNA when we’re still babies in the womb. And what we do later would stimulate these cancer cells. Therefore, our daily routine and eating habits would affect our health very much!

Don’t worry, there’re some food you can take in order to prevent cancer :)

These top ten foods are tomatoes, spinach, garlic, strawberry, pumpkin, carrots, olive oil, pineapple, pepper and mushroom

In our introduction to these foods, we would include how these foods prevent cancer, the right way to eat these foods in order to prevent cancer, what are other advantages to ingest these top ten foods.
Moreover, we would attach some news clips for you to understand more ^^

I (Jamie) would take charge of introduction, tomatoes, spinach and conclusion
Anny would be responsible for strawberry, pumpkin, carrot and mushroom
Vivian would write reports about garlic, olive (oil), pineapple and pepper

Enjoy and learn from our simple introductions to these TOP TEN FOODS
And wish everyone has good health, take care ;)
