2010年6月22日 星期二


Pineapple, unlike the other anticancer food, does not have the big name for preventing cancer. Living in Taiwan, where fruits varieties are prosper on the market, we take pineapple as daily supply for granted. Pineapple is know to be juicy, incredibly sweet or sometimes incredibly sour and nutritious with vitamin C, fenulic acid and chlorogenic acid. now is also ranked into the top ten anti food.

Pineapple serves for medicinal use from traditional methods. It is one of the preparations in traditional Chinese medical science, customarily applied for eating disorders and problems of digesting system. In western countries, it is one of the valuable exotic plants that Columbus found when sailing to the new world. Coumbus record its medical advantage as: admirably recreates and exhilarates the Spirits and comforts the Heart; it also fortifies the Stomack, cureth queasiness and causeth appetite; it gives present ease to such as are troubled with the Stone or stoppage of Urine; nay it destroys the force of Poyson. If the Fruit is not procurable the root will have the same Effects” Like garlic, the curing effect of pineapple is well know long ago, and the work of science is to decode its component and make more effective use.

Pineapple contains bromelain, a complex mixture of proteases and non-protease components. It can control the growing of tumor cell, also strengthens the immune system and inflammation, slowing sown the progression of cancer. There are numerous scientific evidence support the study; especially its capacity of curing breast and ovarian cancer.

The best way of eating pineapple for the purpose of anticancer is to eat it in flesh, most importantly, remember to keep the stem of pineapple. The stem may be little bit hard for biting but it is the part that providing the extract for anticancer medicine

Click here for videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPB1oacirVM pineapple benefits

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUkxJJ-4FYI the data of pineapple





